12 Candida Symptoms & How to Treat Candida Naturally

Digestive Health

Candida is a yeast (a type of fungus) that is commonly found in the digestive system, vagina, and on skin. When Candida is at a proper level it aids digestion and nutrient absorption but many adverse side effects like acid reflux and heartburn can occur with Candida overgrowth (candidiasis). Candida symptoms are rarely life-threatening though […]

Acid Reflux and Anxiety

Heartburn Causes

Acid reflux and anxiety can play off each other. Stress and other psychological traits of anxiety can increase acid reflux symptoms and acid reflux symptoms can cause anxiety to increase. Heartburn is the most commonly recognized acid reflux symptom, but heartburn isn’t experienced by everyone who is anxious.

How to Wean Off PPIs and Why

Heartburn Medication

How to wean off PPIs without acid rebound. Improve your health and avoid the adverse side effects of long-term PPI use. Wean off PPIs by gradually reducing dosage by 25%-50% each week until your at 25%-50% of current intake. Tapering at 50% will take one week. Tapering by 25% will take 3 weeks. The slower the weaning process the less likelihood of acid rebound.

Can Antibiotics Cause Heartburn?

Heartburn Causes

Antibiotics cause heartburn acid reflux and worsen GERD by eradicating good gut bacteria and by directly irritating the esophagus. Rebuilding the good bacteria in your system after getting off antibiotics is essential to your digestive health.