Heartburn Causes

Can Vaping Cause Heartburn?

Electronic cigarettes are popular yet the medical industry is just beginning to learn about the side effects of their use.1 From a cursory review of e-cigarette forums and social media platforms, a potential association between vaping and heartburn is found.2 With e-cigarette users voicing concern about a connection between vaping and heartburn (a symptom of […]

Heartburn Causes

What Causes Acid Reflux?

Top 20 list of the most common causes of acid reflux that lead to GERD. The following causations weaken the closure of the LES allowing acid to reflux into the esophagus.

Heartburn Causes

Narcotics Cause Heartburn and Worsen GERD

Narcotics like morphine, codeine, oxycontin, and methadone cause heartburn and worsen acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms by causing esophageal dysfunction, slowed digestion, and opioid-induced vomiting. Though the side effects of narcotic use are a major challenge, there are strategies for preventing heartburn and GERD.