Heartburn Treatment

Marshmallow Root For Acid Reflux

Most everyone experiences occasional heartburn. It’s one of the most recognized symptoms of acid reflux. The chronic occurrence of acid reflux is referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD should be taken seriously. If you experience chronic acid reflux, see your doctor. Most doctors are likely to prescribe OTC heartburn medication for the relief […]

Digestive Health

12 Candida Symptoms & How to Treat Candida Naturally

Candida is a yeast (a type of fungus) that is commonly found in the digestive system, vagina, and on skin. When Candida is at a proper level it aids digestion and nutrient absorption but many adverse side effects like acid reflux and heartburn can occur with Candida overgrowth (candidiasis). Candida symptoms are rarely life-threatening though […]

Heartburn Causes

Chocolate and Acid Reflux: Can Chocolate Cause GERD?

CHOCOLATE!!! Do I have your attention? If you’re anything like me, I do. I love chocolate! Luckily over the years, I’ve gravitated to eating dark chocolate and cacao, varieties considered to be superfoods. They’re full of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Eaten in moderation dark chocolate and cacao are considered healthy… if you pick the right […]

Heartburn Causes

What Causes Acid Reflux?

Top 20 list of the most common causes of acid reflux that lead to GERD. The following causations weaken the closure of the LES allowing acid to reflux into the esophagus.