Coffig Coffee Alternative: Is It Right For You?

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What do you get if you combine the best sleeping position (the left side) and add an incline? The MedCline Acid Reflux Pillow System (wedge pillow).

I love coffee! What about you? Maybe just a little bit?… A lot?

Does coffee love you back?

Does coffee cause you health problems? Coffee, especially caffeinated coffee, causes a myriad of side effects that prompt many to look for coffee alternatives.

For many of our readers, coffee and heartburn go hand in hand.

We previously covered how the caffeine and acid in coffee cause heartburn, what coffee is best, and what brewing process produces a lower acid level in your daily cup of coffee.

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If you’ve been considering healthy alternatives to coffee, look no further than Coffig.

What is Coffig?

Coffig is a coffee alternative made entirely from Black Mission Figs. There’s no other ingredient. 100% Black Mission Figs that have been dried and roasted.

Cute name, huh? But is Coffig a true coffee alternative? I guess that depends on your idea of a coffee substitute.

Coffig is:

  • A Product with One Ingredient.
  • Certified Organic
  • Non-GMO Project Verified
  • Caffeine-Free
  • Gluten-Free
  • Dairy-Free
  • Free of Processed Sugar
  • Non-Acidic (Alkaline)
  • Gentle on the Stomach
  • Rich in Antioxidants
  • Naturally Delicious

Coffig is gentle on the stomach and may even aid in digestion. The gut benefits and the lack of caffeine make Coffig much better than coffee for those with heartburn problems.

Who Is Coffig For?

Coffig is a great coffee alternative for people that have heartburn problems! Does it cure, treat, or prevent heartburn? No. It’s just an alternative to coffee, which can cause heartburn.

Coffig is great for people…

  • Looking for a healthy alternative to coffee
  • With heartburn problems.
  • Who’ve been told to cut back on caffeine.
  • With caffeine sensitivities that cause insomnia, tremors, and heart palpitations.
  • Who like figs.

Harmful Side Effects of Coffee for People with Heartburn, Acid Reflux, & GERD

Coffee contributes to heartburn, acid reflux, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

  • Caffeine in coffee relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the ring of muscle that keeps the stomach’s contents from refluxing into the esophagus.
  • Coffee is acidic. The acid in coffee can minimally increase stomach acid levels. This can increase irritation to the esophagus when acid reflux occurs.
  • Coffee also increases the body’s overall acid level. Did you know pH imbalance can cause heartburn?
  • Coffee can prevent the absorption of certain vitamins and minerals… medications too! The diuretic effect of coffee also increases the excretion of these from the body. The lack of certain vitamins and minerals can impair the digestive tract’s ability to function properly leading to acid reflux.
  • Caffeine in coffee has a diuretic effect that is dehydrating. This can lead to constipation. This slowing of the digestive tract and the increased abdominal pressure can contribute to acid reflux and heartburn by increasing pressure on the LES. The increased pressure can force stomach contents into the esophagus (acid reflux).
  • The diuretic effect of caffeinated coffee can also reduce the effectiveness of acid-reducing medication like H2 blockers. The effectiveness of H2 blockers is dependent on your water intake.
  • Do you take an H2 blocker for heartburn symptoms? H2 blockers reduce the body’s ability to excrete caffeine. If you drink large amounts of coffee and take an H2 blocker, you’re more likely to experience caffeine side effects like insomnia, tremors, and heart palpitations.

How Does Coffig Taste?

Coffig is not coffee! It’s roasted figs.

It’s rich and dark looking like coffee.

It tastes a little like coffee with a hint of fruitiness.

There’s a bitterness to Coffig that you might expect when drinking coffee.

Its flavor is robust. A huge plus! Though it does have a tartness you wouldn’t expect from coffee.

I drink my coffee black and that’s how I prefer Coffig as well. If you’re a cream and sugar or honey person, it does take those well. It mixes up just like coffee. I didn’t try a flavored creamer. Something like hazelnut would probably go well in Coffig.

Coffig isn’t coffee but overall, I liked it. It’s definitely on the recommend list!

Is Coffig a Good Coffee Alternative?

Let’s see if Coffig is a good coffee alternative for you. I’ll shoot through the facts.

Coffig isn’t coffee. It’s a healthy hot drink that’s made from roasted figs.

Is it a good coffee substitute? I guess. Come on! I love coffee! Is there really a perfect substitute for coffee? Now, I’m not a coffee snob. I just like a good cup of coffee and I drink it black, so the switch to anything other than actual coffee is tough for me. Maybe you can relate?

Is Coffig good? Yes! And people on review it well too.

Coffig isn’t coffee but it’s a hot drink that has a roasted flavor and a boldness I like.

Part of my coffee ritual is that brewing process, the smell, cradling the warm mug in my hands on a cold morning, having it with me during my morning routine… Coffig, without a doubt, works to replace the rituals of coffee drinking.

Again, if you’re looking for something that tastes exactly like coffee, you’ll be highly disappointed. Coffig is, however, a great tasting drink and I absolutely love that I’m drinking something healthier for me than coffee.

The potential health benefits from drinking Coffig intrigue me. I’ll cover the health benefits and side effects of figs later in the post.

Many alternative products are expensive. Not Coffig! The 3.52oz bag I bought should make 65 cups. That’s far cheaper than the coffee I buy.

Coffig is a delicious coffee alternative that provides your coffee experience without harmful caffeine side effects. Coffig is 100% roasted Black Mission Figs. Is Coffig the right coffee replacement for you? One ingredient, organic, non-GMO, caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, free of processed sugar, non-acidic, alkaline, gentle on the stomach, rich in antioxidants... #howtotreatheartburn #heartburn #acidreflux #gerd #coffeeheartburn #coffee #coffeealternative

How Is Coffig Prepared?

Coffig can be prepared either like coffee or tea. It’s made just like regular coffee in any coffee machine or you can make it using a tea ball infuser or teapot with a mesh infuser.

I make mine in a Keurig by putting one tablespoon of the grounds in a reusable K-cup and using the 8-ounce setting on the strong setting. You might not like it as strongly as I do. Others use as little as a half-tablespoon.

Whichever way you prepare yours, start by trying one tablespoon of Coffig grounds to one cup of water. Just like coffee, if you like yours stronger, just add more grounds or brew/steep for a longer period of time.

I drink mine black but you can also add creamer and sweetener to taste.

Where Can You Buy Coffig?

You can buy Coffig directly from the makers of the product at

They have the grounds in two bag sizes the 3.52oz that makes 65 cups or the 7.55oz that makes 142 cups.

They used to have a more expensive option that was a box of individual bags just like tea bags but they don’t seem to make that option anymore.

Are Figs Good For You?

Figs are great for you!

Figs are rich in fiber and contain many essential vitamins and minerals: magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, copper, calcium, B vitamins, and vitamins A, C, and K.

Coffig is made of roasted, dried figs. Dried figs have an even greater nutritional value! Dried figs contain phenol antioxidants as well as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.1

Health Benefits of Figs

Figs are said to have numerous health benefits! Many of these health benefits of figs have been backed up by scientific studies though more evidence is needed to determine the effectiveness of figs for use in any treatment.

Consult with your physician before using figs in an attempt to treat these or any other health condition.

Figs are said to:

  1. Provide a Great Source of Dietary Fiber 2
  2. Improve Digestive Health 3
  3. Relieve Throat Pain
  4. Improve Heart Health 4
  5. Lower Sugar Levels in Diabetic Patients
  6. Provide a Rich Source of Antioxidants 1
  7. Boost The Immune System
  8. Strengthens Bones
  9. Treat and Prevent Anemia 5
  10. Treat Asthma
  11. Prevent Insomnia
  12. Prevent Breast and Colon Cancer 6,7
  13. Prevent Macular Degeneration
  14. Improve Liver Health
  15. Potentially Protect Against age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD)
  16. Improve the Quantity and Quality of Milk in Nursing Mothers
  17. Improve Skin and Hair Health 8
  18. Promote Healing of Boils And Warts 9

I do not condone the eating of figs or the drinking of Coffig for the treatment of these or any other health problem. If you’d like to try to verify any of these claims, I’d suggest searching US National Library of Medicine – National Institutes of Health.

Health Benefits of Figs for People with GERD

Whether you have chronic acid reflux otherwise known as GERD. Figs may be of help, so Coffig could be of use to you in the prevention of GERD.

Figs are high in dietary fiber. This helps to relieve constipation and improve overall digestive health. Constipation slows digestion and increases abdominal pressure. These two symptoms of constipation increase pressure on the LES. Enough pressure and stomach contents will push through the LES into the esophagus… Acid reflux.

GERD and obesity are connected. High fiber foods like figs help in weight reduction. Yes, they help relieve the added weight that constipation can cause but the fiber provides the feeling of being full thus reducing hunger cravings.

Figs also contain prebiotics, a much-needed food source for good gut bacteria called probiotics. This good bacteria improves gut functions and helps to keep us healthy.

Coffig is naturally alkaline which improves the body’s pH. Improved pH balance has the potential of lowering your chances of heartburn.

Many people with acid reflux problems take heartburn medications like PPIs that cause calcium loss leading to bone fractures. Figs provide a good source of calcium to strengthen bones.

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Side Effects Of Figs

Yep, some foods have side effects. Let’s look at the potential side effects of figs that you should be aware.


Some people are allergic to figs. If you are sensitive to the mulberry (Moraceae) family, natural rubber latex, or ficus tree, you might have allergic reactions to figs. 10


Figs can actually lower blood sugar. If you have diabetes and eat a fig, keep an eye on your blood sugar level.

Blood Thickener

Figs are high in vitamin K, a natural blood thickener. If you take blood-thinners,

Laxative Effect

Figs may have a laxative effect. This can help treat constipation, but eating too many can cause diarrhea.


Here’s another thing about figs and their ability to lower blood sugar levels. There is a possibility that they could interfere with controlling blood sugar during and after surgery. Speak with your doctor about your intake of figs if you are scheduling surgery.


Coffig is a great coffee substitute and I like that its only ingredient is 100% Black Mission Figs.

Coffig may not have all the benefits that the original fig may have. Mainly, the benefits of fiber in raw and dried figs, but it does provide many of the other benefits.

If you’re looking to try a coffee alternative, give Coffig a chance and tell us your thoughts in the comments below. I’m sure others would love to hear your thoughts as well.

Coffig is a delicious coffee alternative that provides your coffee experience without harmful caffeine side effects. Coffig is 100% roasted Black Mission Figs. Is Coffig the right coffee replacement for you? One ingredient, organic, non-GMO, caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, free of processed sugar, non-acidic, alkaline, gentle on the stomach, rich in antioxidants... #howtotreatheartburn #heartburn #acidreflux #gerd #coffeeheartburn #coffee #coffeealternative


1) J. A. Vinson, L. Zubik, P. Bose, N. Samman, and J. Proch. (2005). Dried Fruits: Excellent in Vitro and in Vivo Antioxidants. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2005 Feb; 24(1):44-50.

2) MedlinePlus. (2018). High Fiber Foods. MedlinePlus. Review Date: June 14, 2018.

3) W.J. Dahl, and M. Stewart. (2015). Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Health Implications of Dietary Fiber. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2015 Nov; 115(11):1861-70. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2015.09.003.

4) R.H. Knopp, H.R. Superko, M. Davidson, W. Insull, C.A. Dujovne, P.O. Kwiterovich, J.H. Zavoral, K. Graham, R.R. O’Connor, and D.A. Edelman. (1999). Long-term Blood Cholesterol-Lowering Effects of a Dietary Fiber Supplement. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 1999 Jul; 17(1):18-23.

5) Neeru Agrawal and Yamini Rawte. (2017). Use of Dried Figs to Improve Hemoglobin Percentage. Indian Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR). 2017; 12 (2): 096-098.

6) Jing Wang, Xiujie Wang, Shu Jiang, Ping Lin, Jie Zhang, Yanrong Lu, Qi Wang, Zhujuan Xiong, Yaying Wu, Jingjing Ren, and Hongliang Yang. (2008). Cytotoxicity of Fig Fruit Latex Against Human Cancer Cells. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2008, Pages 1025-1033

7) M.S. Farvid, A.H. Eliassen, E. Cho, X. Liao, W.Y. Chen, and W.C. Willett.. (2016). Dietary Fiber Intake in Young Adults and Breast Cancer Risk. Pediatrics. 2016 Mar; 137(3):e20151226. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-1226. Epub 2016 Feb 1.

8) A.K. Ghimeray, U.S. Jung, H.Y. Lee, Y.H. Kim, E.K. Ryu, M.S. Chang. (2015). In Vitro Antioxidant, Collagenase Inhibition, and In Vivo Anti-Wrinkle Effects of Combined Formulation Containing Punica Granatum, Ginkgo Biloba, Ficus Carica, and Morus Alba Fruits Extract. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology. 2015 Jul 16;8:389-96. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S80906.

9) S. Bohloodi, A. Mohebipoor, S. Mohammadi, M. Kouhnavard, and S. Pashapoor. (2007). Comparative Study of Fig Tree Efficacy in the Treatment of Common Warts (Verruca vulgaris) vs. Cryotherapy. International Journal of Dermatology. 2007 May; 46(5):524-6.

10) W. Hemmer, M. Focke, G. Marzban, I. Swoboda, R. Jarisch, M. Laimer. (2010). Identification of Bet v 1 – Related Allergens in Fig and Other Moraceae Fruits. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 2010 Apr; 40(4):679-87. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2222.2010.03486.x.