Heartburn Medication

What Is a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)?

A proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is a drug used to reduce the production of stomach acid giving the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum (first part of the intestines) time to heal from irritation and erosive damage. The decrease in acid production will also help reduce acid reflux related heartburn.

Heartburn Causes

Does Coffee Cause Heartburn?

Caffeine is a heartburn trigger. Which coffee is best for avoiding acid reflux and heartburn? Points to consider are caffeine, acidity, N-methylpyridium, and oil levels.

Heartburn Causes

Can Antibiotics Cause Heartburn?

Antibiotics cause heartburn acid reflux and worsen GERD by eradicating good gut bacteria and by directly irritating the esophagus. Rebuilding the good bacteria in your system after getting off antibiotics is essential to your digestive health.