Digestive Health

10 Reasons for Low Stomach Acid

Low stomach acid can cause acid reflux, unhealthy bacterial buildup, and many more digestive disorders… Here are 10 reasons for low stomach acid and how to increase stomach acid.

Heartburn Causes

Can Antibiotics Cause Heartburn?

Antibiotics cause heartburn acid reflux and worsen GERD by eradicating good gut bacteria and by directly irritating the esophagus. Rebuilding the good bacteria in your system after getting off antibiotics is essential to your digestive health.

Heartburn Prevention

10 Ways to Stop Heartburn At Night

Want heartburn relief at night? Heartburn is usually worse at night preventing many from getting much-needed sleep. These 10 proven ways to stop heartburn at night will provide you relief… Acid stays in the esophagus longer when laying down at night leading to a greater risk of GERD symptoms.

Heartburn Causes

Heartburn Trigger Foods

There are foods and liquids that can trigger heartburn in most people. Avoiding these heartburn triggers will improve your quality of life. Here’s the list of the most common heartburn trigger foods.